A new take on the battle royale genre that makes it's mark with new engagements for stream spectators that results in an enhanced experience for everyone involved. 

"The Darwin Project takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic landscape in the Northern Canadian Rockies. As preparation for an impending Ice Age, a new project, half science experiment half live-entertainment, is launched. It's called the "Darwin Project" and it challenges participants to survive the cold and fight to the death in a treacherous arena. The Darwin Project offers a competitive multiplayer third person survival experience featuring at its core a new gameplay innovation: the manhunt. In his or her path to victory, a player must survive extreme environmental conditions, track opponents, and set traps in order to win."

A new fresh take on the battle royale that allows for new interactions with the audience through integration with streamers.

Developer: Scavengers Studio
Publisher: Scavengers Studio
Genre: Survival
Released: 03/09/2018

Windows, XBox One
Online Co-op

3rd Person
Open World

Darwin Project aims to add spectator interactions that let views directly interact with streamer, acknowledging that a massive part of all battle royale games is the streaming aspect. This heavy emphasis on social interaction is part of their vision for exciting interactions for contestants, Show Directors, and spectators. Show Directors will watch over your match and intervene in the action by speaking to any participant, closing off zones, granting heals, marking players, or starting disasters. Spectators watching on twitch can vote on what the Show Director should do, as well as place vets on who his going to win the game.

The emphasis on tracking ensures that players experience frequent tense confrontations. Players can follow other player's footsteps, which will appear as an outline of the person who left them if you follow the trail long enough. You leave hints behind you no matter what you do, just walking and crafting will leave noticeable marks on the environment.

Support this amazing indie game project now available on steam! The integration with sectators is truly innovative and has the potential to make a serious mark in the genre. Follow them on twitter here: https://twitter.com/scavengerstudio?lang=en for more updates.