Indie Game Planet is a platform dedicated to sharing and spreading amazing indie games! We want to help indie developers, Twitch streamers, YouTubers, and other creators grow and expand their reach. Submit your content for promotion or review here!
Indie Game Planet is currently still in the early growing phases, but we hope to spread our own reach and increase our involvement in the indie game community. Though we aren’t restricted to posting on only indie games, indie developer content will be the bulk of our posts. However we may also post about other large gaming titles that we want to talk about! Why? It might just draw in other readers who are not interested in indie games, and we hope our other indie game posts catch their eye! It might also just be a game we love or hate and want to talk about. You can avoid seeing non-indie related titles by viewing through the “indie” category.
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Here on our website, we post Spotlights, Reviews, and other articles.
Spotlights are simply posts that shine a light on a game that got our attention! This posts can be sponsored (if so, it will be made clear), and will never include a rating of the game. Spotlights will take the form of game announcements or promotion. Spotlights tend to be short posts, and may be on games that are not out yet.
Reviews are posts where we review a game and give it an unbiased score based on what we think it deserves. To see more on our methods of reviewing games, visit the “Our Review Format” page. Sponsored reviews will explicitly say so and the given score will not be influenced by having the review paid for. Developers can submit their games to us for us to review. Be warned!! Just because you gave us a a free copy of your game does not mean we promise you a positive review! We take our integrity very seriously.
Other Articles can be anything from announcements, to informative articles, to meta posts about the indie gaming community and more.